Tuesday, September 09, 2008

lost in space?

I normally would consider myself a very organized person. I make lists. I cross things off. I pay my bills on time. However, today it came to my attention that messages in my P.Post e-mail account, which I thought were being forwarded to a more active, more frequently checked e-mail account, have been sitting dormant in my inbox for the past year. Yes, that's right. 12 months. Lost in cyber space. That's the sort of oversight I'm inclined to obsess over—and feel guilty about. But instead of obsessing, I decided to write back.

There was an e-mail from Cory in Brooklyn wondering if Burlington is cool. She was considering moving here to get away from the city... I wrote back, "Yes, it's so cool here!" I think it's cool, my friends think it's cool. (Yes, even cool for the city gals.) Even Nylon magazine thinks it's cool—they did a profile on Burlington back in November and were surprised it's so much more than just cows up here. (But we do have a lot of cows, and they make the best freakin' cheese in the world—we're so lucky.)

I also had an e-mail from Kate at ModernCat.net. She read my post about how depressing cat litter boxes are and wanted to let me know that there are some great products out there, including Burlington's own Hepper Home, which features designer furniture for cats and dogs. Thanks Kate. What a life saver!

I also heard from Paula at Seven Days, who invited me to be a panelist in a discussion about creative technology careers for the upcoming Vermont 3.0 event in October. (She was smart enough to give me a phone call when I never e-mailed her back.) So cool! Well, I am ready and willing to talk about my job as Web Producer at EatingWell. I love it so much! More info on that when I know more.

After I answered some e-mails tonight, I opened the fridge and noticed that a lot of the beautiful produce I bought at the farmer's market is starting to go by. So I decided to make a delicious quiche with baby summer squash, arugula, shitakes, onion and garlic. I ran out of milk, so I had to use buttermilk and a little sour cream for the custard. I've never done that before! But it's in the oven now and I'm excited to see how it turns out. I'll letcha know!


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