Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I've been watering my friend Lauren's plants while she's away. Tonight, when I went over to her apartment, I found two buds on her orchid plant. I think it might flower. Isn't that wonderful?

I always had the impression that orchid flowers require a lot of tender care. Mama Sonia was a whiz at growing orchids, wasn't she? They were her favorite. She had a special area for all her orchid pots and there was a little spray bottle sitting next to them that she would use to mist their pretty faces. I always pictured her garden in Puerto Rico just dripping with the floral beauties in all shapes and colors, some of them spotted like exotic sea creatures.

At her mass, there was a bundle of orchids tucked in with the rest of her bouquet, and I thought she would have loved that. I haven't seen an orchid flower since. And so I think, it will be nice if Lauren's plant blooms again, won't it?

These pretty pink orchids I snapped at the Winterpark Farmers' Market in Florida a couple of years ago:


Unknown said...

I love the fact that these exquisite (can we flippantly call them flowers?)rare beauties remind you of Mama Sonia. Her garden in Puerto Rico had to be seen to be believed. She had an open framework at the back of the garden that was literally dripping with hanging orchids, and every single one of them was a gem. We have cats and dogs, to whom we give the very best undivided attention...Mama Sonia had her orchids! And Papa Roger, of course!

Lauren said...

Holy cow!! I didn't even look at them last night but if they are budding and they flower, I will give you a present...I've been trying to get them to re-flower for a loooong time!! Maybe you've got the touch. I'll let you know once I check them out tonight.

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