Friday, April 09, 2010

Retrospect: Pawlet 1980-1985

I'm turning 30 in a few days. I'm fine with the 30 thing. But certainly a lot has happened in 3 decades and so I think this is a good opportunity to take a look back. I did a little digging to see what pictures I could find. There weren't many from those early days! But I did find a few that bring back great memories.

Wow, I've led a pretty nomadic life, with my family and then later on my own. From humble Pawlet, Vermont to Paris, France, I've lived in more houses than I can count on two hands.

I'll start with humble Pawlet. Here's what I remember:
  • Here's where I grew up from 0-5 years. I was the youngest of three little girls.
  • In the winter, the snow was always above my head.
  • My mother might say I had issues as a small child. I got into naughty things like pills and rat poison. But somehow made it through ok...
  • When I was less than 2, my mother took us girls back to England to live while my parents' marriage was on the rocks. Luckily, Papa got a grip, he and Mummy patched things up and we moved back to good old Pawlet.
  • We started going to church—all the way in Glens Falls, New York!
  • Our house burned down. We lost most of our belongings. But it meant we got to build a shiny new house! While the new house was being built, we stayed in our friends the Winpennys' sugar house for the summer.
  • I loved leotards—I wore them all the time.
  • I loved the color purple.
  • I loved drawing and still remember what I got for my 4th (?) birthday: a carousel filled to the brim with Crayola crayons. I will never forget that.
  • My best friend Aura Joy lived next door. One day I cut all of her hair off. Her mom was mad.
  • I liked to cut my own hair too. That's why I always had short hair.
  • I fell off the rope swing behind the house. It knocked the wind out of me.
  • We had sheep outside. When our sheep Jemimah gave birth to a little lamb, my parents let me name him. I named him Butt Lamb because he would run after you and try to butt you like a goat. Butt Lamb was dirty white with a black face. I loved him. Whatever happened to butt lamb?
  • In 1985, Papa got offered a job preaching at a church in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. So, we packed up our belongings and, on my fifth birthday, we upped and moved away.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just look at those legs, Soe!!! I used to worry so about those legs..knocked knees for sure. But as it turns out: WOW! And yes, the rat poison and the barbiturates you found at the drug store were a bit of a worry, but the wonderful person on the other end of the line from Mr. Yuk, calmed me right down and instructed me in each instance. Yay, Mr. Yuk!! Through it all, we made it! And that, right well! I enjoyed this blog...if you live your life again, you'll be close to my age!!! I hope that your life, my darling girl, will be as rich and rewarding as mine has been, through the thick and the thin of it all! x

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