Thursday, September 18, 2008

reluctant dreamer

These days, I don't usually dream. When my grandmother passed away, a friend of mine told me that I'd probably start dreaming about her. No, it hasn't happened yet. I just don't dream. I sleep solidly through and through and wake up feeling like I've only just gone to bed. No creepy parallel worlds. No awkward, dreamed-up scenarios with co-workers. No strange déjà vus . Why is that?

And why is it that suddenly this week, I'm dreaming every night? My sleep is restless. Colored by dizzying images, confused by light and night and day and sound. And by morning, I'm so exhausted by an ineffectual rest, I sleep through the alarm. Sleep through an entire minute of siren-sounding. Wake up exhausted from a nightmare-hangover. What is causing my over-active mind to stay up and party way too late when everyone else has turned in? Is it the moon? The weather? One night, at least, I know it was the wind.

I don't like dreams.


Unknown said...

Could it be the cheese? Or the weird wines? Maybe it's the excitement of going to Montreal this weekend, but, too, the trauma of not bringing the kitty cats. Worry often makes you dream. All my life, since I was a very little girl, 4 or 5, I have dreamed about going to school on a windy day, and forgetting to wear knickers!! Or worse, forgetting to dress at all. All the children stood in groups by the playground wall and whispered to each other behind their hands. I still sometimes dream that dream. The headmaster wouldn't call my Mummy coz he said the school couldn't afford the cost of a phone call, and all phone calls were rationed by order of the King!! When I arrived home, Mum didn't seem to notice, so I just went and swung on the swing hanging from the beech tree in the garden. 'Sfunny, isn't it. Maman x

Penelope said...

You're right--it's prolly the cheese!

Hanushka said...

Last night I dreamt of a cow that could stand and talk. It was a grunting, cave-man-like talk, one word sentences. At first I thought he was going to attack us, because all of the other cows on the farm looked mad & sad. But when I listened, I could tell he was trying to communicate. He pointed at my tattoo and said "pain". He pointed at the girl next to me who was very skinny and said "food". Then I realized that there were all sorts of experiments going on at the farm and he was probably a human/cow genetic clone splice. I had eaten sushi that night.

Penelope said...

that's totally messed up

Emma and Kevin Kouri said...

Hey, wait until you get knocked up! That will really blow your wildest dreams out of the water. And Hannah, that dream is totally whack.

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